Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Christmas Songwriting

Here's a Christmas Parody for the Southern Hemispheres, ignore it if you so desire.

Sleigh bells ring
Are you listening
On the beach
Sand is glistening
A tropical sight,
We're happy tonight
Walking in a summer wonderland

Here to stay, is a bluebird
Gone away, is the new bird
He sings a love song,
As we go along
Walking in a summer wonderland

On the beaches we can build a castle
And pretend that it is Disneyland
It could even have Micky
But that’s a hastle
We’ll let you go do that
Out on the sand

Later on
As a pleaser
We will chill by the freezer
To face unafraid
The plans that we've made
Walking in a summer wonderland

Sleigh bells ring
Are you listening
On the beach
Sand is glistening
A tropical sight,
We're happy tonight
Walking in a summer wonderland

Here to stay, is a bluebird
Gone away, is the new bird
He sings a love song,
As we go along
Walking in a summer wonderland

On the beaches we can build a castle
And twist in a fun little contest
We'll have lots of fun winning with our castle
Until the upper tide makes it drown

Out on the sand that’s a-spilling
Down on your hand, so fulfilling
We'll frolic and play, the Hawaiian way

Walking in a Summer wonderland

Friday, September 26, 2014

First Post

Hello there to anyone reading this post.
I started this blog for, well... No apparent reason to be honest.

Now about me,
I go by the name Günther Tuben. (But not IRL)
On this blog I'll just type random things I felt like posting and upload something I made or whatever.
Maybe some Minecraft items, some Pokémon-Type things, a bit of Doctor Who wibbly wobblies, and maybe I may dewott- natu bad puns every now and then.

But until things actually start happening on this blog, I guess we'll find out together.